Jun 09, 2017 2:26 pm

Thanks to leadership by the Pierce College e-Learning team, more and more online courses are meeting strict quality standards. Pierce College works closely with Quality Matters, a national organization that works with institutions of higher education to improve online courses.

The organization helps colleges develop methods that allow each online course to meet 43 quality standards. “Pierce College has adopted these Quality Matters standards to ensure we are creating quality online courses that help all students be successful in their online courses,” said e-Learning Special Projects Manager JJ Johnson.

Pierce College faculty members can volunteer to become peer course reviewers, and undergo training to ensure they are able to help their fellow professors design the highest quality online courses possible.

“Our peer reviewers look at each course to find ways to give constructive feedback and provide helpful recommendations on ways the course might be improved,” Johnson said. “Our ultimate goal through the entire process is to help our students be successful.”