Grading Policy

Pierce College's grading system is designed to provide a permanent record reflecting your performance and achievement in a variety of courses and programs. Grades are reported in numeric fractions to the nearest tenth, while grade point average (GPA) is computed to the nearest hundredth. The numeric grades shown in the first column below will appear on your record. The letter equivalent and/or explanation of the grade appears beside it.

Numeric Letter Grade Equivalent
4.0 - 3.9 A
3.8 - 3.5 A-
3.4 - 3.2 B+
3.1 - 2.9 B
2.8 - 2.5 B-
2.4 - 2.2 C+
2.1 - 1.9 C
1.8 - 1.5 C-
1.4 - 1.2 D+
1.1 - 1.0 D (Lowest Passing Grade
0.0 F   (Indicates student did not do passing work in the course, did not attend during the quarter, or did not officially withdraw).

Grade Symbols

Letter Name Explanation
W Withdrawal Student-initiated, following official withdrawal procedures.
WE Withdrawal with Approved Excuse Issued when a student requests withdrawal due to extenuating circumstances. Effective Summer 2015.
I Incomplete Issued when a student has been delayed in completing the required work. Time limit for removal is determined by instructor, but not to exceed four quarters following the quarter in which the ‘I’ grade was issued. Instructor may convert ‘I’ to ‘0.0.’ Effective Summer 2012, ‘I’ grades automatically convert to ‘0.0’ after four quarters.
NC No Credit Faculty-initiated grade. Grade not computed in G.P.A. and cannot be changed. Effective Fall 1988.
P Pass/Fail Does not compute in G.P.A. unless ‘0.0’ is given. Effective through Summer 1997.
P/NP Pass/No Pass Does not compute in G.P.A. No credit attached to NP. Effective Fall 1997. Instructor and student must sign a Pass/No Pass Contract by last instructional day of the quarter.
R Repeated Course The "R" shows beside the lower grade received and only the higher of the two grades is computed in the GPA.
S Satisfactory Used for Adult Basic Skills only. Courses with “S” grade cannot be used toward any degree or certificate program. Effective Summer 2014.
Z or Y In-Progress Student is currently in progress toward the attainment of course objectives. Used only for continuous enrollment classes. Time limit for removal is determined by instructor, but not to exceed four quarters following the quarter in which the ‘Z’ grade was issued. Instructor may convert ‘Z’ to ‘0.0.’ Effective Summer 2012, ‘Z’ grades automatically convert to ‘0.0’ after four quarters. ‘Y’ grade cannot be changed. Student must re-register for the course to complete course objectives.


Revised 2017-07-19