Orting High School Course Equivalents
Running Start

*Please note: Common Course Numbers (CCN) are designated with the “&” symbol.

High School Requirement Pierce College Equivalent
English 11 and 12 ENGL& 101 AND any 5 credit English course above 101
Math MATH& 107 and above
Science Any Science class 100 and above
Social Studies  
Washington State History HIST &214
World History POLS& 203, INTS 107 or HIST& 128
U.S. Studies HIST& 156, &157, &158 or &159
Senior Social Studies Civics: POLS& 202
Plus Economics = one of the following:
ANTH& 100, &104, &206
ECON& 110, &201, &202
GEOG& 200, 207
HIST& 128
INTS& 107
POLS& 101, &203
PSYC& 100, &200, &220
SOC& 101, &201, 211, 212, 220
Fine Arts 5 credits in any ART, MUSC or DRMA course 100 and above
Health KINS 210 (5 credits)
or BIOL& 170 & BIOL& 175
or NUTR& 101
Physical Education Any PE course 100 and above.
Important: One (1) credit college PE course = 0.2 credit for Orting HS
Career and Technical Ed Any CTE class 100 and above; examples include CIS and BUS
Elective Any class 100 level and above
World Language Two years of HS language
Any world language course 121 or above (must be sequential and same language) = 1.0 HS credit
Any world language course 122 or above (must be sequential and same language) = 1.0 HS credit
Pierce College Requirement COLLG 110 (College Success)

Updated July 2019