A class modality identifies how the class will be taught. A class at Pierce College may be held in-person, online, or in a hybrid combination of both. Class modalities are displayed in the Class Schedule, so you can select the type of class that fits your needs.
How to Find Class Modality
Desktop or Laptop Browser View
On a desktop or laptop computer browser, you can find the class modality in the Instruction Mode column for each class.

Mobile View
On a mobile device browser, you can find the class modality under Instruction Mode:

Technology for Classes
If you need a computer or Wi-Fi hotspot for internet access for your class, you may be able to borrow this technology from the Pierce College libraries. See the Borrowing Technology Equipment page for more information.
Class Modality Definitions
In-Person Web-Enhanced (WE)
- This class meets in person.
- You will need internet access and this class may require the use of a computer.
Hybrid (HY)
- This class utilizes both face-to-face meeting time on campus during the hours listed and independent online time for content delivery.
- Computer and internet access is required.
Online Asynchronous (OA)
- This is a fully online class with no required class meeting time.
- Computer and internet access is required.
Online Scheduled (OS)
- Computer and internet access is required.
- This is an online class where students attend virtual instruction at specific days and times as noted in the class schedule, using web-based tools.