Five Pillars of Professional Development with ELAD
In Winter 2023, ELAD/eLearning transitioned to a 5-pillar PD model, focusing on:
ELAD/eLearning is committed to supporting faculty and staff as they build skills and knowledge in these five areas. By increasing access to relevant and integrated professional development, ELAD supports Pierce College’s alignment with the EDI strategic plan and Achieving the Dream’s priority area strategies.
If you are interested in learning what is currently being offered in alignment with the five pillars, visit ELAD Resources.
Provided through support and collaboration with EDI, Marketing, HR, OER, Library, Community and Continuing Education, Technology Accessibility, Communities of Practice
- Community-building
- TILT Transparency Framework
- One Small Change
- Asset-based vs. Deficit-based Language
- EDI Basics: Racial Equity Foundation
- Implicit Bias
- Liquid Syllabus
- Self-Reflection
- Racial Equity Resources
Inclusive Practices
- Inclusive Pedagogy Framework
- Adjunct Professional Development
- Faculty Learning Communities
- Master Teaching
- FYFC (First-Year Faculty Cohort)
- TST (Targeted Skills Training)
- In-service Support
- Tenure
- Adjunct Leveling and support
- Supervisor Academy
- Team-building
- Change Leadership
- Confidentiality Statement Training
Project Management and Skills Development
- Project Management Software
- Communications Across Departments
- Conflict Management
- Microsoft Teams Training
- Tableau
- Time Management
- Public Speaking
- Annual Professional Development Plan (PDP)
- Workforce Education
- Work-life Balance
- Health and Physical Education
- Nutrition/Cooking
- Social and Emotional Support
- Gardening
- Community Involvement
- Financial Health