In accordance with federal and state laws, you have the right to know certain information about Pierce College, or to be able to connect from our Web site to other public resources. As part of our compliance with these regulations, we present the reference chart below.

Access and Disability Student Rights

AIDS Information (RCW.28B.50.205)

Campus Crime Reporting Requirements and Campus Security Act (Jeanne Cleary Act)

Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989

Equity in Athletics

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Other Policies and Rights-to-Know

State Support of Higher Education

State Support and Student Educational Cost for 2024-25

The average cost to educate a resident full-time community or technical college student for the 2024-25 academic year is $15,672. Students pay an average of $3,742 in tuition toward this cost. The remaining $11,930 is an “opportunity pathway” provided by the State and is funded by state taxes and other sources. The amounts shown are averages for a full-time, resident student. The actual tuition a student pays will vary due to credit load, residency status and other factors.

Student Code of Conduct and Responsibilities

Pierce College's code of student rights and responsibilities gives rules of student conduct, guarantees certain student rights and establishes procedures governing student conduct.

Student Grievance Procedures

These rules cover complaints based on discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment of students by Pierce College faculty or staff.

Student Right-to-Know (Transfer and Graduation Rates)

Voter Registration