1.21 Introduction

The Pierce College Board of Trustees, under law, is charged with the responsibility of Pierce College. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to establish policy and to evaluate the total college program. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a district chancellor to administer the college and shall delegate to them the authority and responsibility for implementation of Board policy.

1.22 Statutory Authority

The Board operates under statutory authority generally contained in the Community College Act of 1967, as amended, Chapter 28B.50.RCW.

1.23 Governance and Board-Chancellor Relationship


The Community College Act of 1967, as amended, creates a Board of Trustees for each community college district, and grants certain powers and defines certain duties for the board to operate the district. One of these powers is the authority to delegate any of these powers or duties to the district chancellor.

Governance Model

The Board chooses to govern according to the principles of a Policy Governance model. Under this model, the Board maintains responsibility for defining the college’s mission, vision, core themes and values; governing through broad policy; delegating authority to carry out the administration and operations of the college to the chancellor; and establishing and monitoring performance measures against policy criteria. The chancellor may create the administrative, operations, and recommending processes needed to meet mission, vision, core themes and values.

Delegation of Authority

The Board has delegated by resolution 2005-02, or other subsequent resolution, some of the powers and duties listed in RCW 28B.50.140 to the chancellor, with the limitations and expectations listed therein.

In addition to such other specific authority as has been or may be delegated to the chancellor, the Board of Trustees has delegated to the chancellor all express or implied authority to carry out the administration and operation of the college. The exercise of any and all delegated authority delegated herein shall be subject to review by the Board.

Administrative Limitations and Expectations

The chancellor is responsible for ensuring that no violation of legal, contract, district policy, or policy governance occurs, nor shall the chancellor through action or inaction allow Pierce College’s continued positive public image or and credibility to fall into disrespect or ill repute. The chancellor shall incorporate Pierce’s values of learning, integrity, respect, accountability, and sustainability in all aspects of managing and overseeing Pierce’s work.

The chancellor shall take reasonable and prudent actions with respect to Pierce College management and oversight that are typical for similar and highly effective organizations; the chancellor with legal advice from time-to-time is responsible for ensuring Pierce is in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Acting Chancellor

In those cases when the chancellor is unavailable to conduct college business, the chancellor shall appoint an executive officer to conduct the business of the chancellor in them absence, not to exceed 30 consecutive days.  The acting chancellor shall be a member of the executive team.

Emergency Executive Succession

To protect the Board from sudden loss of chancellor services, the chancellor will have executive officers sufficiently familiar with board and chancellor issues and processes to enable someone to take over with reasonable proficiency as an interim successor.

The Board will upon the resignation, termination, incapacity, or death of the current chancellor, appoint an acting or interim chancellor.

Chancellor Evaluation

The Board will conduct an annual evaluation of the chancellor. Each Board member will be provided an opportunity to review the chancellor’s performance using pre-determined metrics. When the review period ends, the Board will jointly discuss performance on these functions and objectives with the chancellor.

At a minimum, the Board will evaluate the chancellor’s performance in these categories:

  1. Community, Legislative, and External Constituent Relations
  2. Educational Planning
  3. Financial Stewardship
  4. Personnel, Labor, and Internal Constituent Relations
  5. Management Activities and Strategic Planning
  6. Board Relations
  7. Achieving Core Themes
  8. Professional Growth
  9. Other priorities that are agreed upon

1.24 Chancellor Search

One of the major responsibilities of the Board is the recruitment and selection of a chancellor. The chancellor search process will include input from district and community constituents. The Board will consider carefully the leadership and management competencies needed to accomplish the strategic goals and mission of the district. An executive search consultant may be used to assist in the process at the Board’s discretion.