Students gather in front of the Cascade Buidling

Medical Insurance

Because medical care is expensive in the United States, we require that all international students have health insurance.

Pierce College requires all international students enrolled at Pierce to have medical and accident insurance from The Lewer Agency. Pierce does not accept insurance from other companies. Students will be required to purchase Lewer insurance on arrival and on a quarterly basis during their stay at Pierce College. The College makes no profit for arranging Lewer insurance for our students.

The cost is $318 per quarter (about 3 months).

We all hope that our students will stay healthy and will not need medical care. However, we also know that students sometimes do need medical attention. Medical costs in the U.S. are very high, and even a small problem can lead to a large medical bill. More serious medical issues will usually involve very heavy costs. In addition, medical bills have to be paid within a reasonable time in order to avoid extra charges. More importantly, we must make sure that all our students have immediate access to medical care whenever and wherever they need it. Lewer insurance is very comprehensive. To check the benefits for Lewer insurance, please refer to the Pierce College/Lewer website.

If you need dental work, it is best if you have it done in your home country before coming to the U.S., as dental care is expensive in the U.S. We also suggest having your vision checked in your home country before arriving in the U.S., as there is no vision coverage with this insurance.