Mar 07, 2023 12:50 pm

Pierce College is pleased to introduce the five candidates for the position of President. The College is planning to fill two positions – President, Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom and President, Pierce College at Puyallup.

The candidates will visit the two campuses throughout the month of March and present an open forum at both the Puyallup and Fort Steilacoom campuses. These open forums will be held both in-person and on Zoom. Following the in-person events, there will be a reception with light refreshments.

The candidates will respond to pre-designated prompts followed by a question-and-answer session with attendees.

On day one of each visit, the open forums will take place at 9:00 am on the Fort Steilacoom campus in the Rainier building in room 201. On day two, the open forum will take place at 9:15 am on the Puyallup campus in the College Center building multipurpose room B. 

Faculty, staff, students and community members are invited to meet the candidates and provide feedback. Comments can be submitted by email to:

Please visit our Presidential Candidate Info page more information.