Pierce College seeks to deploy information technology and electronic content that has been designed, developed, or procured to be accessible to people with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies. An accessible IT environment generally enhances usability for everyone. By supporting IT accessibility, the college helps ensure that as broad a population as possible is able to access, benefit from, and contribute to its electronic programs and services.
1. This Policy Applies To:
All programs and services where information technology is deployed and/or electronic content published at Pierce College.
2. Policy
Pierce College shall provide appropriate, equally effective, and integrated access to technology and electronic content for students, employees, and external community members. This policy applies to the procurement, development and implementation of instructional, administrative or communications technologies and content. Further, the policy applies to both current and emerging technologies, including both hardware and software, in use or being evaluated for purchase or adoption at Pierce College. This policy encompasses, but is not limited to, college websites, learning management tools, student information systems, training materials, instructional materials, and assessment tools.
3. References
- 3.20.30b SBCTC Policy on Access for Students with Disabilities
- Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
- OCIO Policy 188 - Accessibility
- RCW 28B.10.912
- RCW 49.60
- Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
Reviewed 2023-04-28