HYPE On-Campus Job Fair (PY) |
Student Life: Village Time (PY) |
Mobile Food Bank on Fort Steilacoom Campus |
PY: Winter Transfer Fair |
COLLEGE CLOSED: Presidents' Day |
The Pinnacle Publication Party (FS) |
The Pinnacle Publication Party (PY) |
J. Woody Lotts: Exploring the Impact of Culture and Identity on the Craft of Performance |
Afternoon Chamber Music Concert |
Mobile Food Bank on Fort Steilacoom Campus |
FS: Winter Transfer Fair |
Volunteer: Garry Oak Restoration Work Party |
Student Life: Sprinker Ice Skating |
Mobile Food Bank on Fort Steilacoom Campus |
Volunteer: Garry Oak Restoration Work Party |
Disability and Intersectionality Speaker Series: "Staying Driven with Steph" |
JBLM: Last day to add classes with instructor permission for winter term session 1 |
JBLM: Last day to withdraw from winter term session 1 classes |
JBLM: Last day of instruction for winter term session 1 |
Volunteer: Garry Oak Restoration Work Party |
FS/PY: Last day to add classes with instructor permission for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Last day to add classes with instructor permission for winter term session 2 |
JBLM: Last day to add classes with instructor permission for winter term session 2 |
FS/PY: Last day to withdraw from winter term session 1 classes |
JBLM: Last day to withdraw from winter term session 2 classes |
JBLM: Grades due for winter term session 1 by 12 p.m. |
JBLM: Grades on student transcript for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Last day of instruction for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Final exams for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Final exams for winter term session 1 |
Tuition due for spring term session 1 classes |
FS/PY: Final exams for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Last day of instruction for winter term session 2 |
JBLM: Last day of instruction for winter term session 2 |
NO CLASSES: Faculty Research and Planning Day/Grading |
FS/PY: Grades due for winter term session 1 and 2 by 12 p.m. |
JBLM: Grades due for winter term session 2 by 12 p.m. |
FS/PY: Grades on student transcript for winter term session 1 |
FS/PY: Grades on student transcript for winter term session 2 |
JBLM: Grades on student transcript for winter term session 2 |
FS/PY: First day of instruction for spring term session 1 |
JBLM: First day of instruction for spring term session 1 |
Tuition due for spring term session 2 classes |
Degree/Diploma applications due |
FS/PY: First day of instruction for spring term session 2 |
JBLM: First day of instruction for spring term session 2 |
Disability and Intersectionality Speaker Series: "What Makes Me Tic" |
NO CLASSES OR STUDENT SERVICES: District Employee Recognition/In-Service Day |
Summer/Fall 2025 student registration begins for currently enrolled students |
COLLEGE CLOSED: Memorial Day |
JBLM: Last day of instruction for spring term session 1 |
JBLM: Grades due for spring term session 1 by 12 p.m. |
Fort Steilacoom Student Awards Ceremony |
Puyallup Student Awards Ceremony |
FS/PY: Last day of instruction for spring term session 1 |
FS/PY: Final exams for spring term session 1 |
FS/PY: Final exams for spring term session 1 |
COLLEGE CLOSED: Juneteenth |
Graduation |
FS/PY: Final exams for spring term session 1 |
FS/PY: Last day of instruction for spring term session 2 |
JBLM: Last day of instruction for spring term session 2 |
NO CLASSES: Faculty Research and Planning Day/Grading |
FS/PY: Grades due for spring term sessions 1 and 2 by 12 p.m. |
JBLM: Grades due for spring term session 2 by 12 p.m. |
FS/PY: First day of instruction for summer term |
JBLM: First day of instruction for summer term |
COLLEGE CLOSED: Independence Day |
FS/PY: Last day of instruction for summer term |
JBLM: Last day of instruction for summer term |
FS/PY: Grades due for summer term by 12 p.m. |
JBLM: Grades due for summer term by 12 p.m. |