Ordering Transcripts
Pierce College makes available to its students both unofficial and official transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are great for your personal records. Official transcripts are often required by other colleges or universities, or employers.
For GED transcripts, visit the GED program website.
Unofficial Transcripts
If you attended Pierce College any time since 2014, you can view and print your unofficial transcript through your ctcLink Student Homepage. You will need to activate your ctcLink account.
If you attended Pierce College any time prior to 2014, you will need to request a mailed copy of your unofficial transcript.
If you would like a mailed copy of your unofficial transcript, please fill out the Transcript Request form located on the Forms page and email it to transcripts@pierce.ctc.edu
Official Transcripts
Students can order official transcripts two ways, either online or by written request.
Online Transcript Orders
Quickly and easily order your transcript online through the Pierce College partnership with Parchment Exchange. There is a fee of $2.65 for each order placed. You can request to have your transcript sent electronically, by postal mail or via FedEx overnight. If you request delivery by mail or overnight shipping additional fees will apply.
Transcript orders are approved by college staff Monday–Friday. Orders are not processed on weekends or holidays.
You are emailed a Parchment confirmation when your order is complete. Check your order details via your Parchment account.
Written Requests
Written request for official transcripts may be submitted to the Records office in person, by mail, email or by fax. Please allow two weeks for processing and mailing.
FAX: 253-964-6427
Email: transcripts@pierce.ctc.edu
Pierce College
Records Department
9401 Farwest Dr. SW
Lakewood, WA 98498-1999