Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What do I need to enroll?
To enroll in the New Media and Digital Design Associate Degree program or UX/UI Design Certificate program, you should have a creative ability and a basic knowledge of computer application. If you'd like to get started in this emerging field, contact the program chair Min Pak at 253-912-2268 or email MPak@pierce.ctc.edu.
Do I need to be a designer to be successful?
Yes and No. You need to have a creative mind and the love of creating. If you are a good designer or the artistic type, you can go very far in the world of new media and digital design as long as you can master the computer tools. If you're not a designer or the artistic type, there are still job possibilities in the world of new media and digital design. If you're not sure about being an artistic type of person or not, we suggest you take the ART 101 class. It's part of our degree and the experience you have there may answer questions you have about your abilities.
New Media and Digital Design is a highly competitive field. If you are weak in one ability, you may find the need to be very strong in a different ability to remain competitive.
When can I start?
You can start in the program at any time. The New Media and Digital Design program has 20 credits of General Requirement classes and 20 credits of Art and Enhance New Media and Digital Design courses you'll need for the degree. Those classes are offered throughout the year. The New Media and Digital Design 110 and 121 classes (the recommended starting classes) are offered twice each year.
Is there a waiting list?
No. Our classes fill up very fast, so the earlier the registration time, the better. Because of this, we are suggesting that students interested in the New Media and Digital Design program apply for admission and get registered for classes as soon as possible.
If I start taking classes for New Media and Digital Design, am I guaranteed spots at registration time?
No. Registration for classes is on a first come basis. Meet with your advisor to create an education plan with all of the classes you need for the degree. If you don’t have an advisor, contact the program chair at 253-912-2268 or email MPak@pierce.ctc.edu. It is your responsibility to register for classes and keep track of registration dates.
Can I challenge any of the New Media and Digital Design courses?
We understand that students coming back from industry for retraining may not need training in certain areas. For cases like that, credit may be earned through the creation of a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Portfolio. If a person coming in from industry can show skills that map to one or more of our courses they can earn up to 25 credits for those courses.
Creation of a PLA does not guarantee credit will be granted. Students will have to show creations that meet all of the outcomes of a course. Contact the New Media and Digital Design program chair at 253-912-2268 or email MPak@pierce.ctc.edu for more details on the steps and costs involved in challenging a course.
It is also important to note the New Media and Digital Design curriculum covers software packages and topics integrated throughout our courses. Skipping one class may mean missing an introduction of skills used in another. For those interested in specialized training, we would suggest Pierce College's Continuing Education at 253-964-6616.
Are the software packages taught the same ones used on the job?
For the most part, yes. You need to realize that there are several software packages out that all do the same thing. We use the ones that our advisory committee would call "industry standard." While Adobe Photoshop is the most used imaging software in the world, some jobs may be using a different package, or not have the same version you were trained on. While we concentrate on Adobe XD for prototyping, many jobs use an alternative. By teaching a wide variety of software packages and abilities, you'll also learn some problem-solving techniques to be able to pick up a new package or interface and use it quickly. Software tools used in the New Media and Digital Design program.