About Campus Safety
The Campus Safety Department has a non-commissioned security force of 8 full-time and approximately 17 part-time officers. All Campus Security Officers have received First Aid, CPR and AED training and additional instruction in emergency response. Officers patrol both main campuses (Pierce College Puyallup and Pierce College Fort Steilacoom) on foot and by vehicle, enforce the laws and regulations that govern conduct on campus, and have the authority to issue parking tickets.
Campus Safety Officers are authorized to request identification from any person on district property to determine whether they have lawful business at the college, but do not possess arrest power. They are equipped with radios capable of contacting local police, fire and medical aid, and maintain a close working relationship with these agencies. Meetings are held between the leaders of these agencies on both a formal and informal basis.
Department procedure requires that law enforcement agencies be contacted when incidents occur that are outside of the department's scope of authority, and criminal incidents are referred to the local police who have jurisdiction on campus. Pierce College currently does not have a written Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with local law enforcement agencies.
Our Mission
The mission of the Campus Safety Department is to provide for the safety and security of the Pierce College District, while maintaining a positive and diverse environment that promotes excellence, accountability, and respect.
While every member of the college community shares responsibility for campus safety and security, the Campus Safety Department takes the lead in this area. Administrative responsibility lies with the Vice President of Administrative Services and the District Director of Safety and Security.