How to receive your GED test transcripts
We suggest visiting the official GED website for more information about GED practice tests.
Quarters typically start in January, April, July and September.
Program Information
Pierce College offers classwork to help you prepare for the GED exam. A GED is a certificate that is equivalent to a high school diploma. It meets most employment criteria and the educational eligibility requirement for federal financial aid. With a GED, you can pursue higher education, get employed, and earn promotions or achieve personal goals.
Our GED test preparation courses are part of an integrated instruction model. Classrooms consist of students earning their High School Diploma, taking basic refresher courses, strengthening their English reading and writing, and studying for the GED subject tests. Students can choose from Math, Science, or History courses. Our Science and History courses are blended with English and are team taught with 2 instructors. Our Math, Science, History and English courses do not specifically teach to all content found on the formal GED subject tests. Classes meet for 5-12 hours per week and are available mornings, afternoons or evenings. Classes are offered at the Fort Steilacoom and Puyallup campuses.
Students who are younger than 19 yrs old, who have not yet graduated from high school, must submit a release from the school district in which they reside.
New students will attend an orientation and be scheduled for state required evaluation. Students are then enrolled in classes based on their skills assessment results.
Contact Us
Fort Steilacoom Campus
Debbie Murphy
Program Support Supervisor
Cascade Bldg – CAS 302
Puyallup Campus
Christy Crandall
Program Support Supervisor
Gaspard Administrative Bldg – ADM 106
Ann Hayes-Garcia
District Program Coordinator