Library Hours and Locations
Special hours of operation during winter term:
- January 20: MLK Jr. Day. Library closed.
- January 30: Assessment Day. Library closed.
- January 31: All District Day. Library closed.
- February 17: Presidents’ Day. Library closed.
- March 26: from 10 – 3. Library open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for returning borrowed items. Other library services will not be available.
- March 27 – April 6: Break between winter and spring terms. Library closed.
Winter Term
January 6 - March 25
Mon - Thur: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sat - Sun: Closed
Maps and directions to campus libraries, book drop boxes, and pickup and return lockers are available online.
Fort Steilacoom
The library is located on the third and fourth floors of the Cascade building. Entrance is on the fourth floor (400 level).
Contact the Library in Fort Steilacoom
- Reference Desk: For questions about research and databases, call 253-964-6555.
- Circulation Desk: For questions about borrowing materials, call 253-964-6547.
The library is located on the second floor (200 level) of the Brouillet Library / Science building.
Contact the Library in Puyallup
- Reference Desk: For questions about research and databases, call 253-840-8302
- Circulation Desk: For questions about borrowing materials, call 253-840-8300
How You Can Contact Us
There are three ways to contact us: by phone, by chat, and by email.
By Phone
You can contact a reference librarian at Puyallup at 253-840-8302 or at Fort Steilacoom at 253-964-6555.
By Chat
You can contact a librarian through the library's chat messaging service. We participate in a program where librarians from all over the country answer questions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! It may not be a Pierce College librarian, but they are all trained to help you. You can even IM us from the library!
By Email
You can email a reference librarian with a reference question at library@pierce.ctc.edu. This is an alternative to chat IM if you want help from a Pierce College librarian. Emails will be answered Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Reference Help
Each campus is staffed with reference/instruction librarians to help you with your research needs. Pierce College librarians have faculty status and have the skills to help you determine what your research needs are and connect you with the best resources, whether they are from books, periodicals or the Internet.
Reference/instruction librarians are available to students, faculty and staff, and the general public. However, during busy times, Pierce College students, faculty and staff are our top priority and will receive assistance first.
Please note that reference librarians do not edit papers. For writing assistance, visit a campus Writing Center. The Puyallup Writing Center is located within the PY Library in Room 207 and the Fort Steilacoom Writing Center is located within the FS Library in Room 403.