Learning thrives in an atmosphere of mutual respect, courtesy, cooperation and open-minded inquiry. Use of computer lab spaces and resources is a privilege, and all are expected to help create an atmosphere consistent with the Pierce College Student Code of Conduct.
Students are responsible for knowing computer lab policies and expectations for behavior.
Signing In to the Use the Labs
Students are required to sign in and out of the computer lab’s tracking system by entering a valid student identification number or by scanning your student identification card provided free of charge by Student Life. It is equally important to sign out of the tracking system when lab utilization has been completed. Signing in and out of the tracking system is critical in collecting data in order to recognize patterns and trends so that sufficient staffing of the labs are provided.
Food, Drinks and Tobacco Use
- Enjoy food and drinks with secure screw-top lids only at the designated eating area near the entrance.
- Spills need to be reported to a STAT member immediately so custodial can be notified.
- Use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes is not permitted in the computer labs. Smoking is restricted to designated areas on the Pierce College campus.
Noise Levels
Learning is a social process, so we understand that collaboration and discussions are needed to assist in the learning process. We ask lab users to respect other guests by keeping noise levels to a reasonable level when working in the labs.
- Turn ringers and/or speakers off and keep volume low on your phones and other devices.
- Calls should not be initiated or answered in the labs; please step into the hallway or outside when using a cell phone.
- Headsets for audio output are available at the labs for checkout; please do not turn on the desktop volume at the computers.
- Children may utilize the labs as long as they are with a guardian at all times, and they are not being disruptive to others working in the labs or taking an available computer from a student.
- Guardians are responsible for any damages their child causes while using the lab equipment.
Personal Belongings
Please keep items with you at all times. The computer labs are not responsible for lost or stolen items and will take unattended items to Campus Safety. If it’s valuable to you, it’s valuable to others.
Utilizing Labs for Personal Use
Games, casual surfing of the web, non-Pierce email, and instant messaging are considered low-priority activities.
- If all computer stations are full, students engaged in low-priority activities may be asked to give up their workstations to students needing to complete school activities.
- Utilization of the labs for low-priority activities cannot disrupt students conducting school activities at any time.
Saving Files
- Do not save files onto computer lab computers. There is significant risk of losing documents or others accessing documents left on the computers. Bring a personal USB devise or utilize your Microsoft OneDrive account. If you do not have personal USB, one can be checked out to you for the day.
- Computers have deep freeze, so any files will be deleted/wiped out at the end of the night and cannot be recovered.
- Both black and white and color printing can be accessed in the labs utilizing the $15.00 student printing stipend added to each student’s account quarterly.
- If printing funds are depleted, new funds can be added to a student’s account at the cashier’s office or at either library.
- Printing in the labs are defaulted to black and white, double-sided print. The computer labs cannot replace funds for misprints by not updating the printing settings to the preferred format.
Theft or Misuse of Electronic Resources
Theft or other misuse of computer time or other electronic information resources of the college is strictly not permitted. Such misuse outlined in the student code of conduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Unauthorized use of such resources or opening of a file, message, or other item;
- Unauthorized duplication, transfer, or distribution of a computer program, file, message, or other item;
- Unauthorized use or distribution of someone else's password or other identification;
- Use of such time or resources to send, display, or print an obscene or abusive message, text, or image;
- Use of such time or resources to interfere with normal operation of the College's computing system or other electronic information resources;
- Use of such time or resources in violation of applicable copyright or other law;
- Adding to or otherwise altering the infrastructure of the College's electronic information resources without authorization
Computer Lab Borrowing Privileges
Pierce College computer labs check out USBs and headphones for student use while in the labs.
- Pierce College Students must present a current Pierce College Student I.D. card for all checkouts.
- Materials must be returned prior to leaving the labs.
- If borrowed items are lost or broken, a fine may be assessed to replace the equipment.
Internet Acceptable Use
Computer and internet use in the Pierce College computer labs is primarily for the purpose of furthering education and access for district students, faculty and staff. All users must comply with the Pierce College Information Systems Resources (CISR) Acceptable Use Policy. Users not complying with any portion of this policy will be asked to leave the workstation. Repetitive infractions may result in a revocation of privileges.
All computer users may use computing and networking technologies in the computer labs with the following restrictions:
- The use is not for illegal acts under federal or state law.
- The use does not result in commercial gain or private profit (other than allowable under College intellectual property policies).
- The use does not violate federal or state laws or College policies on copyright and trademark or misappropriate or misuse the information/files of others.
- If the use is personal or recreational, it does not prevent use by another College community member for legitimate College work.
- Use for any purpose that monopolizes resources or uses excessive bandwidth for nonacademic use is not permitted.
Computer Classroom Policy
Adjoining computer lab classrooms are primarily to be scheduled for classroom instruction for classroom-related purposes. When classrooms are not being used for instructions purposes, they are available for quiet computer use for students, staff and faculty.
Scheduling Classrooms
Classrooms may be scheduled by Pierce College staff and faculty utilizing 25live for the following:
- Instruction sessions that need computer utilization (e.g.,Canvas assistance for College 110)
- Instructor/student, faculty and staff meetings
- Media equipment use
- Presentations or training sessions
General Guidelines
- Respect the labs by leaving the rooms as they were found — clean-up messes, turn off projectors, and return borrowed equipment.
- Food or drinks need to stay at designated areas at all time and cannot be near the computers.
- Any reservation for a classroom is cancelled if the group does not show up within 15 minutes of the reservation.
- Classroom schedules are posted weekly in CTR 272 to check availability.