Frequently Asked Questions
I'm new to online learning. Where should I begin?
Get ready for your first class in Canvas by checking out our student guides and making sure that you can learn on all of your devices.
How do I access my online classrooms?
Go to the Canvas login web page and follow the directions. Once logged in, you will have access to your course information. Use the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Edge for the best results. Internet Explorer is not a supported browser.
What is Canvas?
Canvas is the learning management system for Pierce College. It’s where you can connect to your course materials, peers, and instructors for online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes.
How do I get help with using Canvas?
You can get help with Canvas in the following ways.
- Connect with the Student Technology Assistance Team (STAT)
- Phone: 253-964-6310 or 253-840-8437
- Email: STAT@pierce.ctc.edu
- Live Chat and Discussion Boards in Canvas
- Call or email the eLearning team
- Phone: 253-964-6244
- Email: Distedu@pierce.ctc.edu
- Refer to step-by-step instructions in the Canvas Student Guide
What are the basic computer requirements to use Canvas?
The most updated computer specifications for Canvas are available in the Canvas Guides.
When can I access my courses in Canvas?
Canvas courses will appear when your instructor publishes the course. Online classes may be available one week before the first day of instruction. We recommend that you continue to check Canvas to see if your course is published. If you still cannot find your course by the first day of instruction, please reach out to eLearning for help.
Phone: 253-964-6244
Email: elearning@pierce.ctc.edu
How do I reset my Canvas password?
Your Canvas and ctcLink password are the same. To reset your password visit the ctcLink Password Reset page. Please wait at least 15 minutes after resetting your password before logging into Canvas.
Will Canvas work on my mobile device?
Yes it will! Search the app store on your device for Canvas Student. Once you have downloaded the app follow these steps below to load your courses onto your phone.
- Canvas Student App for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
- Canvas Student App for Android (Tablet, Smartphone)
Follow these steps below to add your Canvas courses to your app.
- Launch the app and click Find my school
- Search for Pierce College
- Select “Pierce College”. Be careful not to select “Los Angeles Pierce College”
- Login with your ctcLink ID and password
Who do I contact if I have questions about a Canvas course?
Stay in close contact with your instructor. Contact information is included in your syllabus. Your instructor can help you with questions about assignments, course objectives, test results and other concerns specific to the course. For more general information on eLearning, contact the eLearning office.
My course list in Canvas doesn't show all of my courses. How do I access them? How do I customize my course list?
In order to view your course in Canvas, two things must happen:
- You must be officially enrolled in the course; and
- Your instructor must have "published" the course to make it available to students. If an instructor asks you to access a Canvas course but it is not listed in your My Courses list, ask your instructor if the course has been published yet. If the instructor has published the course, ask your instructor to check if you are on the roster. If you have recently registered for the course, please allow 24 hours for your enrollment to be added to Canvas.
You can also customize your My Course list. To do so, view All Courses and add courses to your favorites by clicking the star next to the course listing.
How do I get help with student email, Office 365, and other technology-related questions?
Connect with the Student Technology Assistance Team (STAT)
- Phone: 253-964-6310 or 253-840-8437
- Email: STAT@pierce.ctc.edu
- Live Chat and Discussion Boards in Canvas
- Refer to the STAT Frequently Asked Questions website
My professor said we will have a proctored midterm/exam/test. What do I need to do?
Some Pierce College courses may have proctoring required for assessments. Your instructor's course syllabus or course materials and instructions will describe testing options for online courses. Pierce College utilizes HonorLock as its online proctoring tool. You instructor will provide you with instruction for using HonorLock.
How can I connect to online academic support resources, such as tutoring?
From the global Canvas navigation menu, select the Student Support icon. You will see a listing of several academic support resources. Click the resource to be directed to their online contact information.
What is WAMAP?
WAMAP is a learning management system used by the math department at Pierce College. It’s where you can connect to your course materials, peers, and instructors for online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes. Classes that use WAMAP also have a Canvas course that redirects to WAMAP.
Please reach out to your instructor or email support@myopenmath.org for technical assistance with WAMAP.
How should I address issues or file a complaint?
Students needing to address issues or file a grievance can do so online. Details, directions and procedures are outlined on the Resolving Grievances page.
In addition, students may also contact the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC). The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit the WSAC website for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.
In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunities Act of 2008, the U.S. Department of Education conducted a Negotiated Rule Making Process in 2010, requiring that institutions offering distance education provide enrolled and prospective students with contact information for filing complaints with its accrediting agency and with the appropriate state agency for handling complaints in the student's state. Below is information on Pierce College's accrediting agency, followed by a document listing all states' agencies responsible for complaints regarding out-of-state distance education programs.
Pierce College Accreditation contact information and Complaint Resolution Contacts by State.