Have A Question? Not Sure Who to Ask?
We are available to answer your questions via phone, email, Zoom and more! If you have a question and are not sure where to begin, start here. If you already know what you need, you can contact a department directly.
If you need help using Zoom, these Zoom video tutorials will show you how to join a meeting, adjust your settings and more.
General Questions
Fort Steilacoom: 253-964-6500
Puyallup: 253-840-8400
JBLM: 253-964-6567 or 253-964-6606
Other Departments
We are here to support you! Please select a department below for contact information.
Access and Disability Services
Phone: 253-964-6468
Email: ads@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Access & Disability Services
Phone: 253-964-6501
Email: districtadmissions@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Admissions
Zoom: Admissions Zoom Room
Advising Center
Advising can be done remotely via phone, email, or video conference (Zoom). Contact one of the Advising centers for assistance.
Fort Steilacoom: 253-964-6705
Puyallup: 253-840-8431
JBLM: 253-964-6567
Fort Steilacoom: Advising@pierce.ctc.edu
Puyallup: Puyadvise@pierce.ctc.edu
JBLM: JBLMadvising@pierce.ctc.edu
Zoom: Need Help
Fort Steilacoom and Puyallup: Advising
JBLM: JBLM Advising
Email: ArmyIgnitEd@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: ArmyIgnitED Student Portal
Phone: 253-964-6300
Email: aspire@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: ASPIRE
Phone (Fort Steilacoom): 253-964-6508
Phone (Puyallup): 253-840-8411
Email: bookstore@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Bookstores
Fort Steilacoom and JBLM: 253-964-6700
Puyallup: 253-840-8405
Email: cashiering@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Cashiering
Community and Continuing Education
Phone: 253-840-8452
Email: CE-Questions@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Community and Continuing Education
Computer Labs
Email: stat@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Computer Labs
We are offering telehealth sessions by telephone or secure video chat. Email the counselors below and one of them will get back to you to schedule an appointment.
- Jennifer Wright – jwright@pierce.ctc.edu
- Megan Irby – mirby@pierce.ctc.edu
Our counseling staff has also prepared a guide for taking care of your mental health during stressful times.
Dental Hygiene Clinic
Phone: 253-964-6694
Email: dhclinic@pierce.ctc.edu
Secure Email (Health/Dental Records, X-rays, etc.): pcdhclinic@pcdhclinic.com
Website: Dental Hygiene Clinic
Phone: 253-964-6244
Email: elearning@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: eLearning
Phone: 253-964-6678
Email: evaluations@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Evaluations
Financial Aid
Email: financialaid@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Financial Aid
International Education
Phone: 253-964-6229
Email: international@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: International Education
Phone (Fort Steilacoom): 253-964-6547
Phone (Puyallup): 253-840-8300
Email: library@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Library
Military Service to Education
Phone: 253-363-0443
Email: jbarry@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: JBLM Degrees
Pierce College at Graham and Spanaway
Phone: 253-912-2399 ext. 8788
Website (Graham): Pierce College at Graham
Website (Spanaway): Pierce College at Spanaway
Phone: 253-964-6615
Email: registration@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Registration
Running Start
Phone: 253-964-6520
Email: runningstart@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Running Start
Student Life
Fort Steilacoom
Phone: 253-964-6614
Website: Fort Steilacoom Student Life
Phone: 253-840-8415
Website: Puyallup Student Life
Student Technology Assistance Team (STAT)
Phone: 253-964-6310 or 253-840-8437
Email: STAT@pierce.ctc.edu
Canvas: Student Technology Assistance Team Canvas
Website: Student Technology Assistance Team (STAT)
Testing Center
Fort Steilacoom: 253-964-6521
Puyallup: 253-840-8343
JBLM: 253-964-6567 or 253-964-6606
Fort Steilacoom: TestingCenter@pierce.ctc.edu
Puyallup: TestingCenter@pierce.ctc.edu
JBLM: Ntc@pierce.ctc.edu
Fort Steilacoom and Puyallup: Testing Centers
JBLM: JBLM Testing Center
Phone: 253-964-6617
Email: Transcripts@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Transcripts
TRiO Student Support Services
Phone: 253-912-3644
Email: trio@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: TRiO
TRiO Warriors EDGE Upward Bound
Phone: 253-912-3628
Email: WarriorsEdge@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: TRiO
Tutoring Centers
Fort Steilacoom: 253-964-6737
Puyallup: 253-864-3258
Email: tutoring@pierce.ctc.edu
Canvas: P.A.S.S. Canvas Space
Website: Tutoring Centers
Veterans Services
Fort Steilacoom and JBLM: 253-964-6505
Puyallup: 253-864-3194
Fort Steilacoom and JBLM: VAFS@pierce.ctc.edu
Puyallup: VAPY@pierce.ctc.edu
Website: Veterans Services
Work Study
Website: Work Study
Phone: 253-964-6265
Website: Workforce
Writing Center
Fort Steilacoom: 253-964-6252
Puyallup: 253-864-3378
Email: writingcenter@pierce.ctc.edu
Canvas: Writing Center Canvas
Website: Writing Center